result count: 14

SC_423333_0Want another challenge?! Fine!
SC_423333_1I'll bring back anything!
SC_423333_2You did it! Haha
SC_423333_3Bring back two different Bolmus before the lamp burns down! My friend! Are you up for it again?
SC_423333_4Let me try again!
SC_423333_5The lamp hasn't burned down. You still have time!
SC_423333_6Friend, you haven't brought back two different Bolmus yet.
SC_423333_7The lamp has burnt out.
SC_423333_8Relight the lamp.
Sys423333_nameTime Challenge
Sys423333_szquest_accept_detailOh friend! You got Shuver's razor from the [<S>104003|Croso Boars]? Not bad! You're better than me!\n\n([115925|Jacob Yensen] slaps your leg.)\n\nLook at those legs. I bet you can run. I have a challenge for you. Do you want to try! Me and Shuver are having a game.\n\nYou have to run and bring back a [103980|Dimstar Bolmu] and a [103983|Angren Bolmu] before the lamp burns down. Shuver has been boasting again but no one has been able to complete this one. If you do it, everyone will love you! Haha \n\nIf you don't want to continue, you just need to blow on the [208067|Spiral Whistle] and I'll blow out the lamp.
Sys423333_szquest_complete_detailGood job! You completed the challenge!\n\nHaha. Last time, when Shuver ran for a [103980|Dimstar Bolmu], he was only looking in front of him and not behind him. A [103980|Dimstar Bolmu] shot at him with a poison needle and it hit his bum! He couldn't move a single muscle and fell to the ground!\n\nWho is Shuver? He's my friend! I ran at the [103980|Dimstar Bolmu] that sneak attacked him and hacked it up into pieces. When I saw Shuver...Hahahaha... He was lying face down in a big pile of poo! I laughed so hard!
Sys423333_szquest_descBefore the lamp burns out, get a [207475|Dimstar Bolmu] and a [207476|Angren Bolmu] and bring them back to [115925|Jacob Yensen].
Sys423333_szquest_uncomplete_detailBack so quick?