result count: 8

SC_423346_0I must make her drink [207697|Blessed Spring Water]...
SC_423346_2Now all I can do is wait.
Sys423346_nameThe Elven Casualty
Sys423346_szquest_accept_detailShe's obviously not from around here, if you look closely you can clearly see she's different to us.\n\nBut what's brought her here at a time like this?\n\nAh, maybe she was led here by the Holy Elven King?\n\nHmm, perhaps I'm being too suspicious, this isn't the time to be discussing this. [$PLAYERNAME], we need to revive this Elf.\n\nGo to the waterfall near the [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Griffith Camp] and bring some [207697|Blessed Spring Water] back- I once threw a Holy Spring Amulet in there, and I believe it's still there, protecting the river and all creatures around it.\n\nIn a minute I'll go and explore the surroundings to see if I can find who did this to her.
Sys423346_szquest_complete_detailYou've brought the [207697|Blessed Spring Water]... I've searched nearby but didn't come up with anything. It'll be quicker to wait for her to regain consciousness and tell us herself.
Sys423346_szquest_desc[115848|Alisber] wants you to go upstream from the waterfall near [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Griffith Camp] and use a [115849|Water Bucket] to bring some [207697|Blessed Spring Water] back.
Sys423346_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat kind of enemy is it? Could it be a Shadow?