result count: 8

SC_423346_0Tengo que hacer que beba [207697|Agua bendita de manantial]...I must make her drink [207697|Blessed Spring Water]...
SC_423346_2Ahora tan solo me queda esperar.Now all I can do is wait.
Sys423346_nameLa víctima élficaThe Elven Casualty
Sys423346_szquest_accept_detailEs evidente que no es de aquí. Al mirarla de cerca, se ve que es diferente de nosotros.\n\n¿Qué la habrá traído aquí en un momento como este?\n\n¿La habrá guiado el Sagrado Rey de los Elfos?\n\nTal vez sea demasiado desconfiado, este no es el momento para discutir. [$PLAYERNAME], debemos revivir a esta Elfa.\n\nId a la cascada que hay cerca del [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Campamento de Griffith] y traed [207697|Agua bendita de manantial]. Una vez arrojé allí un amuleto de manantial sagrado y creo que sigue allí, protegiendo el río y todas las criaturas que lo rodean.\n\nEn un momento iré a explorar los alrededores para intentar averiguar quién le hizo esto.She's obviously not from around here, if you look closely you can clearly see she's different to us.\n\nBut what's brought her here at a time like this?\n\nAh, maybe she was led here by the Holy Elven King?\n\nHmm, perhaps I'm being too suspicious, this isn't the time to be discussing this. [$PLAYERNAME], we need to revive this Elf.\n\nGo to the waterfall near the [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Griffith Camp] and bring some [207697|Blessed Spring Water] back- I once threw a Holy Spring Amulet in there, and I believe it's still there, protecting the river and all creatures around it.\n\nIn a minute I'll go and explore the surroundings to see if I can find who did this to her.
Sys423346_szquest_complete_detailHabéis traído el [207697|Agua bendita de manantial]... He registrado los alrededores pero no he descubierto nada. Será mejor esperar a que recupere la consciencia y nos lo cuente ella misma.You've brought the [207697|Blessed Spring Water]... I've searched nearby but didn't come up with anything. It'll be quicker to wait for her to regain consciousness and tell us herself.
Sys423346_szquest_desc[115848|Alisber] quiere que vayáis río arriba desde la cascada que hay cerca de [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Campamento de Griffith] y que uséis un [115849|Cubo de agua] para traer algo de [207697|Agua bendita de manantial].[115848|Alisber] wants you to go upstream from the waterfall near [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Griffith Camp] and use a [115849|Water Bucket] to bring some [207697|Blessed Spring Water] back.
Sys423346_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Qué clase de enemigo es? ¿Podría ser una Sombra?What kind of enemy is it? Could it be a Shadow?