result count: 14

SC_423347_1It's nothing, I'm just disappointed that's all. I was so excited about meeting the princess at [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower], and so happy to hear that the ancient Elven King [112853|Antaikolon] was still alive... But then I get here and... And then when I think about how my King, [112854|Yabis'an], entrusted me with his hopes, and all the personal requests from [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] Elder [113274|Arlofled]... Oh, even the Holy Elven King himself would be bitterly disappointed.\n\nThis is all so upsetting. I came here to bring back the ancient Elven King [112853|Antaikolon], for my King [112854|Yabis'an] hoped he would return to [ZONE_CAMPAIGN GARRISON|Valley of Preparation] and teach our masters some advanced battled skills. He also hoped that he would bring our clans together in peace and harmony after one thousand years of separation, but now...
SC_423347_2What's the matter now?
SC_423347_3Now there seems to be a gulf between us. The Great Banishment divided and estranged us, and for centuries it seemed as though the two clans couldn't stand each other. Now my king has extended an olive branch and hopes for some kind of dialogue between the two sides, so he sent me to the most likely place where the ancient Elven King [112853|Antaikolon] would be- [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Northern Janost Forest].\n\nBut I didn't expect to be misled and attacked by strange creatures, let alone that the Elves here have changed so much... It's all very sad.
SC_423347_4What do you mean by a 'strange creature'?
SC_423347_5Try as I might, I can't entirely piece together what the creature looked like. First it was a shadow... then it took shape and was suddenly standing there in front of me. It was like a black cloak at first, but then it changed and assumed many familiar faces of Elven Warriors I had read about in books...\n\nThe cunning creature and its companion then launched their attack, still under these guises, we in the swamp starting fighting back, I got hurt and then... and then...
SC_423347_6Chapter 1: The Paragon of Holiness - The Holy King\nChapter 2: The True Principle - Obey Nature\nChapter 3: Standard Etiquette - Do not depart from Nature's grace\nChapter 4: The Holy Myth - The advent of the Holy King\nChapter 5: Ancient Tactics - The valiant prowess of the warrior\nChapter 6: The Holy Sword - Arclight\nChapter 7: The Battle - The Great Banishment\nChapter 8: The Curse of the Two Kings - Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon] and Our King [112852|Isnasil]\nAppendix: Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon]\n\n(You see that the chapter on Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon] has been marked with special notes.)
SC_423347_7Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon]:\n\nWhen discussing Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon], we must not overlook that battle that caused the Elven split - The Great Banishment. The Great Banishment was originally a battle between humans and Demons. But as time passed, the Demons joined with the old Naga tribe. They swept into [ZONE_YGGNO LAND|Candara] causing a huge war to break out. \n\nThe war quickly spread to the Elves. At the time, the two young kings were on the thrown. The Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon] advocated allying with the humans, while our king [112852|Isnasil] did not want to get mixed up in the war. The two kings endlessly debated the war, so the Archdruid at the time asked to bring forth the Holy King's sword "Arclight" for arbitration. Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon], who succeeded in taking Arclight, used its power to order our King to send his tribe away, leaving only the tribe's elite warriors to join the battle...
SC_423347_8This caused the later split of the Elves, and also caused our tribe to lose most of its Elven force, since we learned that most of our warriors met their demise at that battle. The few Elven warriors that remain are in [ZONE_YGGNO LAND|Candara]...\n\n(You see that the rest of this section has been scratched out with a different colored ink, with additional text added below.)\n\nAfter the passage of a thousand years, our King [112854|Yabis'an] recalled the decision of the Rebel King [112853|Antaikolon] to spare the lives of the remaining Elves. He decided to restore the name and honor of [112853|Antaikolon]. In addition, under the guidance of the Elf Queen, he promoted good relations between our tribe and the Elves that remain at [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]. He also learned here the special news that the old Elven King [112853|Antaikolon] was still alive.
SC_423347_9So a special messenger named [115850|Abroniya] was sent to search for the old Elven King [112853|Antaikolon] and invite him to return to [ZONE_CAMPAIGN GARRISON|Valley of Preparation] to teach all masters the profound mysteries of Elven battle skills... \n\n(It appears from the blank space below the writing was not completed.)
Sys423347_nameAn Exotic Visitor
Sys423347_szquest_accept_detailHey, where am I? Who are you? What do you want with me? Are you trying to insult me? Hmph, I have the heart of the Holy Elven King and I do not fear death. This is the pride of the Elves.\n\nWhat? Not ready to attack me yet? Take whatever form you want, I will not be fooled again.\n\nHuh? You're an adventurer who's come to save me? Come to thing of it, I think I already know your name... uh... \n\nUhh, sorry for the misunderstanding. This forest is just too bizarre, too crazy, too unbelievable... Our people are always told to attack first any creature that comes too close. \n\nI thought they were so alert because there was a battle taking place, but this wasn't the case at all. I see that they have violated the Holy Elven King's teachings, and that they have abused the life force of plants in their pursuit of power. They seem to have forgotten the feel of a warm summer breeze, or the sun's embrace. I can no longer see the light in their eyes...
Sys423347_szquest_complete_detail... And then I can't remember anything else. I think I must have gotten dizzy and disorientated, and then bumped into you.
Sys423347_szquest_descTalk to [115850|Abroniya].
Sys423347_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt looks like they lost their way in the dark.