result count: 10

SC_423359_0You already used the [207718|Blessed Convergence Stone]
SC_423359_1A translucent silhouette suddenly appears on the surface of the river and then vanishes.
SC_423359_2Ah! [115804|Kakada's] eyes are blurry?
SC_423359_3Do you see it? God just appeared!
SC_423359_4But he already gone again...
Sys423359_nameHelp Cure Big Water
Sys423359_szquest_accept_detailOh...the good elf said [115804|Kakada] would know how to help.\n\nReally...[$playername]...look, the god is looks really serious, completely different from where the Bodos live. Because Big Water is sick, the plants don't stretch out and dance...\n\nIt's really sad here...if the lake master had the same sickness as this Big Water, Shaman [113288|Tibabus] would be really worried.\n\nI heard some other elves live here. They must be worried too!\n\nCome, help cure Big Water with [115804|Kakada]. This time we can use the [207718|Blessed Convergence Stone]!
Sys423359_szquest_complete_detailGod's wounds aren't healed yet, how can he be here?\n\nBut [207718|Blessed Convergence Stone] is good for Big Water, and god's sickness will gradually get better. Good elves, good trees, and good gods don't need to worry anymore.
Sys423359_szquest_descUse the [207718|Blessed Convergence Stone] on the [115805|Source of the Swamp] in the [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Northern Janost Forest], and help [115804|Kakada] "cure".
Sys423359_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's simple. You just need to use the [207718|Blessed Convergence Stone] on Big water and you can help cure it.