result count: 4

Sys423360_nameLas buenas noticias de KakadaKakada's Good News
Sys423360_szquest_accept_detail[$playername] ya ha completado la primera tarea que tenía que llevar a cabo aquí [115804|Kakada]. Vayamos a buscar al Elfo para contarle que la [207718|Roca convergente bendita] está surtiendo efecto.\n\nMmm... ¿A dónde ha escapado el Elfo bueno? ¿Sabéis dónde está el Elfo bueno ahora? ...\n\n[115804|Kakada] os seguirá...The first thing [115804|Kakada] has to do here has already been completed with [$playername]. Let's go find the Elf and tell him that the [207718|Blessed Convergence Stone] works well.\n\nHmm...where did the good Elf run off to? Does good fellow know where good Elf is now?\n\n[115804|Kakada] will follow you...
Sys423360_szquest_complete_detailLos ríos, pantanos y el [115973|Manantial de estrellas] están conectados con [115795|Eliyar]. \n\nEl aumento del poder de la naturaleza en la fuente del agua era demasiado turbulento. [113633|Narfas], Enviada Divina del Agua de Manantial, podrá devolver el equilibrio al bosque y todo volverá a la normalidad.The rivers, marshes, and the [115973|Star Spring] are all connected with [115795|Eliyar].\n\nThe build-up of Nature's Power in the water source was too turbulent. [113633|Narfas], the Divine Envoy of Spring Water, will bring balance to the forest, everything will change for the better.
Sys423360_szquest_descVolved al [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Bosque de Jyr'nathon]. Buscad a [115799|Antaikolon] que se encuentra cerca del [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Santuario de Jyr'na]. Informad de los efectos de la [207718|Roca convergente bendita] sobre el [115805|Origen de la ciénaga]..Return to the [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest]. Look for [115799|Antaikolon] who is next to the [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Sanctuary of Jyr'na]. Report the effect of the [207718|Blessed Convergence Stone] on the [115805|Source of the Swamp].