result count: 17

SC_423368_0You don't have any [<S>207729|Newborn Seedlings]!
SC_423368_1The radically changed landscape can no longer be affected by outside forces. All things are in conformance with nature. Time can heal all wounds.
SC_423368_10[116012|Star Spring] transformed, and we experienced rebirth as well.
SC_423368_11My king!
SC_423368_2One day, this forest will return to its primordial state. I promise to spend my life making up for the damage that has been caused.
SC_423368_3I will watch over them with you.
SC_423368_4[115963|Abroniya], [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] has settled down after a period of chaos. I have a reason to stay behind.
SC_423368_6Thank you for all you have done. I will continue to watch over you all and this forest.
SC_423368_7The Great Banishment has passed. Elves should never again be divided. Please take my sword back to [ZONE_CAMPAIGN GARRISON|Valley of Preparation] and give it to Elven King [112854|Yabis'an] as a reply.
SC_423368_8Do you all also feel that pure Nature's Power?
SC_423368_9[115953|Antaikolon]... Our Elven King, will release us from our seductive prison shackles.
Sys423368_nameBeginning of Life
Sys423368_szquest_accept_detailThis forbidden rune can magnify power. This is why the power of nature overflowing wasn't detected originally.\n\nIn the future, all of the problems in the world caused by runes will be eliminated. The situation in Northern Janost Forest has stopped getting worse.\n\nAs for the possibility of the forest returning to its original state...[$playername], you personally contributed to this.\n\nDo you remember what happened when [115795|Eliyar] was too impatient and tried to use her power to speed up the growth of trees?\n\nThis time, you can try to plant this [207729|Newborn Seedling].
Sys423368_szquest_complete_detailThe joy of new life and the toughness of growth is nature's baptism to all things.
Sys423368_szquest_descPlant the [207729|Newborn Seedling] in the [115952|Earthen Mound Left After Energy Balancing] next to the little creek in the [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] and observe its state.
Sys423368_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou contributed to the possibility of [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] returning to its original state.\n\nYou can try to plant this [207729|Newborn Seedling] in the [115952|Earthen Mound Left After Energy Balancing].