result count: 11

SC_423382_0[103987|Croso Sharpro] is dead and cannot be fed.
SC_423382_1You feed the [207452|Herb] to the [103987|Croso Sharpro].
SC_423382_2Cannot be fed.
SC_423382_3[103987|Croso Sharpro] eats the [207452|Herb] you gave it.
SC_423382_4[103987|Croso Sharpro] writhes in pain...
SC_423382_5[103987|Croso Sharpro] is dead.
Sys423382_nameRh'anka's Devotion
Sys423382_szquest_accept_detailOutsiders all think we [<S>115603|Rh'anka] are mean and crafty, but we're just misunderstood! Deep down inside we're warm, devoted creatures.\n\nYou don't believe me? . Okay, I'll prove it to you. We raise [<S>103987|Croso Sharpros] in the [ZONE_CROSO_LAKE|Croso Lake] out of the goodness of our hearts. These are first class [<S>207452|Herbs]. I buy them from outsiders like you and it costs me a fortune. If you take them to feed the [<S>103987|Croso Sharpros], I'll pay you on your return, just like a real job. What do you think? Am I not generous?
Sys423382_szquest_complete_detailYou're saying the [<S>103987|Croso Sharpros] that ate the [207452|Herb] all died? My god! My beautiful, blameless [<S>103987|Croso Sharpros]! How could this have happened?\n\nYou outsiders are to blame! Selling us poisons instead of herbs! No! My vulnerable, lovely [<S>103987|Croso Sharpros]!
Sys423382_szquest_descTake the [207452|Herb] that [115624|Mumudo Bugeye] gives you and feed it to the [<S>103987|Croso Sharpros] in the [ZONE_CROSO_LAKE|Croso Lake], then return to [115624|Mumudo Bugeye] in the [ZONE_LIANKA_VILLAGE|Rh'anka Village] to collect your reward.
Sys423382_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Thinking you are distracted, [115624|Mumudo Bugeye] whispers to his assistant)\n\nPinpink Mantiswing, follow this outsider. After he feeds the [<S>103987|Croso Sharpros] this poisonous weed, wait till they are dead, then cut the hard shell from their heads.