result count: 18

SC_423455_0Ask him what he's doing
SC_423455_1I was just trying to think why I would just ramble on like that, because those kind of things are not what I normally tell people! And it's because that drink you gave me was actually truth potion!
SC_423455_2Apologize to him
SC_423455_3Don't worry, what's done is done. After all you look like trustworthy types, all I ask is that you don't tell everyone about what I've told you. It's time for me to get my own back, and I'm going to listen in on their conversations. One bad turn deserves another, and all that. Be quiet, I want to hear what those two are talking about.
SC_423455_4Quiet down
SC_423455_50The sound of [116001|Morrok Wallinder's] voice approaches...
SC_423455_51Sigh... This is your family crest. We've been to [ZONE_SLEY|Sley]... [115897|Thomas Hanks] said that [115891|Loub] was dead, and that you had been missing for three years...
SC_423455_52A petri dish? Did you find our underground room?
SC_423455_60The sound of [115892|Jill's] voice approaches...
SC_423455_61He's right, I only found [115891|Loub] like this after I had changed.
SC_423455_62At that time, he was placed in a petri dish...
SC_423455_63You can hear the sound of [115892|Jill] crying...
SC_423455_7An artificial half-dragon! Don't worry, you can relax- that's really quite something! I really mean it. Go and take this firewood back, I'll collect my things and then follow you.
Sys423455_nameAlways Disrespect Your Elders
Sys423455_szquest_accept_detailHuh? He's gone off to get some firewood? Everything he said just now seems so preposterous, it's making me think that perhaps the truth potion didn't actually have any effect on him... But then again, if everything he just said was true, the Great Banishment was over one thousand years ago now so he really has lived for a very long time, and perhaps he truly is immortal.\n\nDo you still remember the inscriptions at the [ZONE_BYMORSH_RUINS|Ruins of Bymorsh] and what [115875|Hyrdon] said? [115751|Kargath Duran]... the Invincible... You don't think those inscriptions were written by him do you?\n\nGo and follow him! I hope he hasn't escaped. I'll stay here and finish our preparations with [115984|Jill Ayekin], and see if I can get any more information about her.
Sys423455_szquest_complete_detailYou've returned... errr...
Sys423455_szquest_descSearch for [115751|Kargath Duran] in the [ZONE_PLAGUED_THIEF_LAIR|Tempest Thieves' Den] and talk to him. When you've finished, report back to [115983|Morrok Wallinder] in the [ZONE_PLAGUED_THIEF_LAIR|Tempest Thieves' Den].
Sys423455_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo and follow [115751|Kargath Duran]. Quickly, I don't want him to escape...