result count: 15

SC_423458_0[104146|Mendoza Ayekin] is powerless to resist, quickly go and make him drink the [207374|Wine Made From Sunleaf Juice]!
SC_423458_1[104146|Mendoza Ayekin] is still resisting violently, you're going to have to use magic to make him more co-operative...
SC_423458_2[104146|Mendoza Ayekin] will be very honest with us now, ask him whatever you want!
SC_423458_3You force [104146|Mendoza Ayekin] to drink the [207374|Wine Made From Sunleaf Juice].
SC_423458_4(Talk to him)
SC_423458_5You damned idiot, what did you just make me drink?! Although it tasted nice, you must have a death wish to attack me like that!
SC_423458_6(Ask him about the Tempest Thieves)
SC_423458_7Huh? Those despicable little bandits? They're lucky I didn't hang them myself for trying to attack my territory! That's right, I couldn't catch them myself so I hired some black market professionals to do it for me.
SC_423458_8(Ask who he hired)
SC_423458_9Huh? He was very secretive, and looked shady. How would I know who he was? Anyway none of this matters, the bandits have disappeared into thin air so it was money well spent!
Sys423458_nameAlcohol Loosens the Tongue
Sys423458_szquest_accept_detailYou've managed to get the [<S>115944|Zaramonde Officials] in [ZONE_ZARAMONDE|Zaramonde] to talk, but they know nothing about the guerillas.\n\nSo who is our inside man? Think, who would be most anxious to see [ZONE_ZARAMONDE|Zaramonde] grow in strength? Of course, it would be the lord of [ZONE_ZARAMONDE|Zaramonde], [104146|Mendoza Ayekin]. Judging from how easily he went to war with [ZONE_SLEY|Sley], I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was the one who ordered for [104109|Jill Ayekin] and his men to be hunted down.\n\nBut he is the lord of [ZONE_ZARAMONDE|Zaramonde], so if he refuses to answer our questions there's not much more we can do. We must be careful not to arouse his suspicions, so we only have one chance to ask him questions and get the answers we need. How can we do that?\n\nDo you still remember the potion extracted from the Intense Sunleaves? We can use it to force [104146|Mendoza Ayekin] to tell us the truth. Your first step was to gather some Intense Sunleaves so we could make a truth potion. \n\nNow go and find [104146|Mendoza Ayekin], hit him until he is stunned, and then force him to drink this bottle of [207374|Wine Made From Sunleaf Juice]. I hope this will give us some fresh clues to follow.
Sys423458_szquest_complete_detailThat's right, I just cast a spell outside so no matter how loudly he yells, no one will hear him. But if he can't give us any new information, this whole thing will be a bust.
Sys423458_szquest_descFind the lord of [ZONE_ZARAMONDE|Zaramonde], [104146|Mendoza Ayekin], hit him until he is defenseless and then force him to drink the [207374|Wine Made From Sunleaf Juice]. Afterwards, ask him about the disappearance of the Tempest Thieves.
Sys423458_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't worry, I'll be watching your back from outside. Just stick to the plan and get him to tell us everything he knows!