result count: 7

SC_423466_1Attacking [116224|Zanka]'s a's always been a lie.\n\nFifteen years ago...General [116216|Drake Angerfang]...was swallowed by [116224|Zanka], and [116215|Skarbar Sharpclaw] became the general of [115631|Limon].\n\nCough...He said that [116216|Drake Angerfang] was framed by the [116219|Rotteneye] the same time he was killing the [116219|Rotteneye] clan, he started recruiting people to attack [116224|Zanka]...\n\nAfter many years [116224|Zanka] didn't die, but the sacrifices of the [115600|Limon] were immeasurable...\n\nParticularly, cough, cough...All of the [116221|Sharpclaw] clan became nobles and high-ranking officials...while everyone sent to fight was from the "humble" [116222|Angerfang] and [116219|Rotteneye] clans...\n\nHow can the [115600|Limon] turn against themselves and trust in [116215|Skarbar Sharpclaw]?\n\nSo...I injured my own leg to avoid conscription, cough, I have to to take care of the kid...\n\nThe kid is too young...I just want him to grow up peacefully. Being called names is a small price to pay...sacrifices should be worthwhile...not dying in vain to become a hero...\n\nThe true hero is buried in [116525|Golden Sarcophagus].
SC_423466_2Don't cry...hide...
Sys423466_nameThe Sharpclaw Lie
Sys423466_szquest_accept_detailCough, you understand?\nIn the eyes of [116221|Sharpclaw], we're just lowly untouchables...ever since General [116216|Drake Angerfang]'s been like this...\n\ doesn't dare openly attack an outsider...\ the one can guarantee your safety...\n\nI can't tell you much...when I'm finished...please help me convince the kid to not join the battle...then...go...
Sys423466_szquest_complete_detail([116138|Bulamos Angerfang] is semi-conscious and whispering...)
Sys423466_szquest_descListen to what [116138|Bulamos Angerfang] wants to tell you.
Sys423466_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can't tell you much...after listening...please help me change the kid's mind about going to war...then...leave...