result count: 5

Sys423484_namePoder rúnico del desiertoDesert Rune Power
Sys423484_szquest_accept_detail[104227|Yinha]...[104227|Yinha]... El gran logro de ese famoso maestro artesano fue un obsequio concedido a los [115631|Limon] para proteger el sepulcro. \n\nYo no soy capaz de entrar en el [ZONE_DGN_KAFKES_TOMB|Sepulcro de Kawak] y ver a [104227|Yinha] por mí mismo, pero si alguien pudiese ayudarme a conseguir el [208163|Corazón de Yinha] de ese guardián le estaría enormemente agradecido.[104227|Yinha]...[104227|Yinha]...That famous master craftsman's great achievement was a gift to the [115631|Limon] to guard the tomb!\n\nI'm not able to get into [ZONE_DGN_KAFKES_TOMB|Kawak's Tomb] and see [104227|Yinha] for myself, but if someone could help me get the [208163|Heart of Yinha] from that guardian I would be extremely grateful.
Sys423484_szquest_complete_detailA partir del [208163|Corazón de Yinha] puedo apreciar la persistencia de [104227|Yinha]. Sus habilidades técnicas para fusionar la energía rúnica con el guardián permiten que la energía se utilice en su totalidad.From the [208163|Heart of Yinha] I can see the persistence of [104227|Yinha]. His technical skills in merging the rune energy with the guardian allow the energy to be fully utilized.
Sys423484_szquest_descConseguid el [208163|Corazón] de [104227|Yinha] en el [ZONE_DGN_KAFKES_TOMB|Sepulcro de Kawak] y dádselo a [116152|Matakner].Get a [208163|Heart of Yinha] from the [104227|Yinha] in [ZONE_DGN_KAFKES_TOMB|Kawak's Tomb], and give it to [116152|Matakner].
Sys423484_szquest_uncomplete_detail[104227|Yinha] y [104225|Tygistor] eran maestros artesanos del antiguo reino de Langlokee...[104227|Yinha] and [104225|Tygistor] were both master craftsmen of the ancient kingdom of Langlokee...