result count: 5

Sys423499_namePoison Ingredients
Sys423499_szquest_accept_detailDid you hear what [116259|Morrok Wallinder] said? I was originally an outsider, but now I feel more and more like one of you.\n\nSo...just follow what [116259|Morrok Wallinder] said, and meet up with [116260|Jill Ayekin] and her brother!\n\nHa...don't worry, I've already arranged a meeting place. They said they saw a [116714|Strange Old Stone Column] near the bridge to [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] and [ZONE_LYMOR_DESERT|Limo Desert]. After crossing the bridge, follow the path to the left, and they'll be waiting for us. See you soon...\n\nOh! I almost forgot...I promised to get some poison for [116260|Jill Ayekin]. On your way, pick up five doses of [<S>208111|Poison] from the [<S>104277|Zanka Scorpions] near [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune].\n\nAlso, take this to [116260|Jill Ayekin]. I want to go around the dune first!
Sys423499_szquest_complete_detailThere's a dress in the [208110|Package]...a gift from [115891|Loub]?\n\nAnd some strange potions...I can use them on that strange person.
Sys423499_szquest_desc[116251|Kargath Duran] in [ZONE_T_MARD_VILLAGE|Tomard] wants you to take the [208110|Package], go to [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] and get five doses of [<S>208111|Poison] from the [<S>104277|Zanka Scorpions], and give them to [116260|Jill Ayekin].\n\n(You must cross the stone bridge to [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] and [ZONE_LYMOR_DESERT|Limo Desert] with a [116714|Strange Old Stone Column] beside it. After crossing the bridge, follow the path to the left.)
Sys423499_szquest_uncomplete_detail[116251|Kargath Duran] said he gave you the [<S>208111|Poison]. Where are they?