result count: 5

Sys423507_nameAnother Kind of Hint
Sys423507_szquest_accept_detailAfter [116299|Ike Mania] leaves the [208136|Exquisite Jeweled Box] and the information, you can go.\n\nI have contacted [116260|Jill Ayekin], and because the next place we're going is a village, they can't come out. So, they plan to search the nearby wilderness for traces of the Soulless Soldiers. As we are going to [ZONE_T_MARD_VILLAGE|Tomard], [116299|Ike Mania] left a message and a name: [116324|Geddleman Clay]. He probably means for us to find this person and ask for help.\n\n[116297|Kargath Duran] said he had some personal matters to attend to, so we should go ahead, and he would meet up with us later. However...Frankly, I also have personal matters to take care of. I promised Mother's relative that I would bring back her love, who just happens to be a subordinate of [116299|Ike Mania].\n\nIn order to fulfill her wish, I'll need some time, so let's meet at [ZONE_T_MARD_VILLAGE|Tomard]!
Sys423507_szquest_complete_detailI've heard a lot about you two, so let me introduce myself. I am Master's subordinate, [116324|Geddleman Clay], it's nice to meet you.\n\nMaster has already informed me of the next issue...
Sys423507_szquest_desc[116303|Morrok Wallinder] wants you to take the [208136|Exquisite Jeweled Box] and meet up with [116324|Geddleman Clay] in [ZONE_T_MARD_VILLAGE|Tomard]. look like you're missing something. Like a [208136|Exquisite Jeweled Box]!