result count: 15
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_423519_0 | No, dejadme que piense si puedo conceder una audiencia con el rey de los humanos a ese sospechoso [115600|Limon]. | No, let me think about whether or not I can allow this dubious [115600|Limon] an audience with the Human King. |
SC_423519_1 | Bien, iré a buscar a ese [115600|Limon]. Quedaos aquí y proteged al rey de los humanos. | Ok, I'll go get that [115600|Limon]. You stay here and protect the Human King. |
SC_423519_2 | He oído que [115598|Drake Colmillorrabioso] necesita mi ayuda, pero siempre me está provocando. ¿Es esa la actitud de alguien que pide ayuda? | I've heard that [115598|Drake Angerfang] is requesting my help, but he constantly provokes me. Is this the attitude of someone seeking help? |
SC_423519_3 | Os ruego que perdonéis al general [116217|Drake]. Su carácter es así... | Please forgive General [116217|Drake]. His temper is always like that... |
SC_423519_4 | No importa. Contadme cuál es la situación. | Never mind. Tell me about the situation. |
SC_423519_5 | Sí. En realidad, el hecho de que el general [116217|Drake] se encontrase con Su Majestad cuando vino al [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Valle Chupura] a ver a [103836|Chepu] es pura coincidencia. Sin embargo, el general cree que esa coincidencia es una oportunidad. | Yes. Actually, General [116217|Drake] running into Your Majesty who came to [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley] to check out [103836|Chepu] is a complete coincidence. However, the general sees this coincidence as an opportunity. |
SC_423519_6 | El general solicita la ayuda de Su Majestad para volver a capturar a [115631|Limon], pero teme que Su Majestad no tenga la fuerza necesaria para enfrentarse a [116220|Skarbar Zarpafilada]. Ese es el motivo de todas esas provocaciones. | The general wishes for Your Majesty's assistance in recapturing [115631|Limon], but is worried that Your Majesty doesn't have the strength to face [116220|Skarbar Sharpclaw]. That is the reason for this series of provocations. |
SC_423519_7 | Entendido. Lo decidiré yo mismo. Marchaos con vuestro general. | I understand. I will decide for myself. You should leave with your general. |
SC_423519_8 | Muchas gracias. | Thank you so much. |
SC_423519_9 | Su Majestad os pide que traigáis a [116262|Helghar Dientesangre] para una audiencia. | His Majesty requests you bring [116262|Helghar Bloodfang] forward for an audience. |
Sys423519_name | Contacto posterior | Further Contact |
Sys423519_szquest_accept_detail | Aunque [115596|Iswan] no está de acuerdo con mi decisión de recibir en persona a ese [115600|Limon], creo que estaré seguro si los dos me protegéis.\n\nDecidle a [115596|Iswan] que puede traer a ese [115600|Limon]. | While [115596|Iswan] doesn't agree with my decision to meet with that [115600|Limon] personally, I trust that I will be safe with the two of you protecting me.\n\nPlease go tell [115596|Iswan] that she can bring that [115600|Limon] to see me. |
Sys423519_szquest_complete_detail | Básicamente, entiendo la situación. Parece que mi encuentro con [115598|Drake Colmillorrabioso] en el [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Valle Chupura] fue solo una coincidencia, pero le hizo pensar en pedirme ayuda para recuperar el poder.\n\nSin embargo, no confía en mi fuerza, así que me ha provocado varias veces para ponerme a prueba.\n\nAl parecer, ha seguido todas nuestras actividades recientes. Si tuviese otros motivos, ya habría movido sus piezas. He decidido confiar en él por el momento y dirigirme al [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Reino de Limon] para verlo con mis propios ojos.\n\nPero [115596|Iswan]... Probablemente me cueste mucho convencerla. | I basically understand the situation. It seems that [115598|Drake Angerfang] running into me in [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley] was just a coincidence, but this coincidence caused him to think about asking for my help in regaining power.\n\nBut he didn't trust my strength, so he arranged a series of provocations as a test.\n\nFrom this, it appears that he as seen all of our recent activities, and if he had an ulterior motive he would have made his move already. Therefore, I've decided to temporarily trust him, and go to [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Limon] to see for myself.\n\nBut [115596|Iswan] will probably take a lot of effort to convince her... |
Sys423519_szquest_desc | Pedidle a [115596|Iswan] que lleve a [116203|Helghar Dientesangre] a una audiencia con [116204|Toni]. | Ask [115596|Iswan] to bring [116203|Helghar Bloodfang] for an audience with [116204|Toni]. |
Sys423519_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Por favor, decidle a [115596|Iswan] que no se preocupe, que tendré mucho cuidado. Pedidle que me traiga a ese [115600|Limon]. | Please tell [115596|Iswan] not to worry, that I will be very cautious. Ask her to bring that [115600|Limon] to me. |