result count: 5

Sys423556_nameReciclaje de armasArms Recycling
Sys423556_szquest_accept_detailEntendemos por qué nos odian... Tenemos que cargar con esta responsabilidad.\n\nPodemos fabricar gran cantidad de equipamiento enseguida, pero necesitamos materia prima... Como podéis ver, andamos cortos de personal. Si tenemos que enviar a algunos de los nuestros a recoger materias primas, mucho me temo que no tendremos tiempo para fabricar lo que nos han pedido.\n\nAsí pues... ¿os veis capaz de conseguir el visto bueno del General [116217|Drake]?\n\nHay unas cuantas armas enterradas en la [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Duna de Zanka] que dejaron atrás los aventureros que pensaban atacar a [116224|Zanka]. Traed diez para que podamos fundirlas y forjar nuevo armamento.We can understand why they hate us... We must bear the responsibility.\n\nWe can make large quantities of the equipment right away, but we'll need materials... As you can see, we're short on manpower. If we have to send some of our people out to gather materials, I fear we won't have enough time to make the equipment they've requested.\n\nSo...would you be able to get the acceptance of General [116217|Drake] for us?\n\nThere are some weapons buried in [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] that adventurers planning to attack [116224|Zanka] have left behind. Please bring back ten so we can melt them down and cast new equipment.
Sys423556_szquest_complete_detailEsto bastará. Cuando tengamos a punto los demás objetos, os lo entregaremos todo.This will be enough. When we get the other two types of items ready, we'll give it all to you together.
Sys423556_szquest_descConseguid 10 piezas de equipamiento estropeado de la [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Duna de Zanka] para [116236|Padesha Ojo Vago], de la [ZONE_ROCK_SALT_VILLAGE|Aldea Sal de Roca].Get 10 broken pieces of equipment from [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] for [116236|Padesha Rotteneye] of [ZONE_ROCK_SALT_VILLAGE|Rock Salt Village].
Sys423556_szquest_uncomplete_detailCon esto no basta... Necesitamos más equipos viejos para forjar los nuevos. Hay muchos equipos enterrados en la [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Duna de Zanka] olvidados por aventureros.This isn't enough... We'll need more old equipment in order to cast new equipment. There is lots of equipment buried in [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] that was left behind by adventurers.