result count: 10

SC_423574_1I have come to convey [115060|Morrok Wallinder's] words.
SC_423574_2Go ahead, I'm listening.
SC_423574_3(Repeat [115060|Morrok Wallinder's] words)
SC_423574_4I understand, and will follow his instructions.\n\nBut I have something for you to tell him... [115060|Morrok Wallinder] seems to know that I am [114961|Callaway Kalume], and so always keeps his distance...\n\nHere, I am just [115594|Toni]. Please tell him not to have misgivings because of my identity.
SC_423574_5We finally meet again. Thank you for your help these few days. I trust that with your help, we can definitely save the day.
Sys423574_nameRescue and Tracking
Sys423574_szquest_accept_detailI never thought that such an accident would occur just as I met the human king. Not only has [115595|Iswan Giant] been captured, but even [116523|Ike Mania] has been abducted by [104332|Larvanger Barkud]...\n\nBased on the information everyone provided, [104332|Larvanger Barkud] is working for [116268|Annelia]. This part is absolutely correct, which means that if we want to rescue them we have to first find [116268|Annelia].\n\nThe human king said that before [116268|Annelia] captured them, she said he could find her by crossing [ZONE_TUCOOK_HOT_SPRINGS|Tukork Hot Springs]... Perhaps we can go to the [ZONE_SINISTER_LANDS|Land of Malevolence] to find more clues about [116268|Annelia].\n\nHowever, a sudden accident interrupted my discussion with the human king, and I didn't have time to inform him of some important information. I hope you can help me pass it along.\n\nWe are all eager to rescue them, but we must proceed with caution. We will most likely have to go deep into enemy territory, and our situation will be precarious. We hope that he will cooperate with us, and not do anything rash that would give away our position.
Sys423574_szquest_complete_detailWe are very grateful for the human king's cooperation.
Sys423574_szquest_descConvey [115060|Morrok Wallinder's] words to [115594|Toni], then report back to [115060|Morrok Wallinder].
Sys423574_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you tell the human king what I said?\n\nI know he's worried about his friend who was taken, but in times like these it's important to stay calm.\n\nPlease ask him to cooperate with us. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to rescue the people.