result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys423592_name | Ir al circo | Go to the Circus |
Sys423592_szquest_accept_detail | Me preocupa este [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Circo Luz de Luna]. Es hora de investigar.\n\n[116523|Ike Mania] mencionó en su carta que temía que [104332|Larvanger Barkud] lo vigilase, así que deberíamos separarnos.\n\nMientras vais de camino al circo, quiero que consigáis cuernos y pieles de [104699|Boshi de la Luna Sombría]. Nos disfrazaremos de mercaderes ambulantes para no levantar sospechas.\n\nEncargaos de conseguir esas cosas y yo me ocuparé del resto.\n\nNos vemos en la puerta del circo.\n\nNo os preocupéis por el rey humano, yo os ayudaré a protegerlo. | I'm a little concerned about this [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Moonlight Circus]. It's time to go investigate.\n\n[116523|Ike Mania] mentioned in his letter that he was worried about being watched by [104332|Larvanger Barkud], so we should split up.\n\nAlso, while you're on the road to the circus, I want you to collect some [104699|Moonshadow Boshi] horns and furs. We'll disguise ourselves as traveling merchants to avoid suspicion.\n\nYou just need to collect these things. I'll take care of the rest.\n\nWe'll meet outside the circus.\n\nDon't worry about the human king. I'll help you protect him. |
Sys423592_szquest_complete_detail | Ya estoy listo, solo estoy esperando los artículos que os pedí.\n\nDadme los objetos que habéis recogido.\n\nNo os preocupéis por los demás, ya les he dicho que buscasen un lugar para esconderse. | I'm already ready, just waiting for the items I asked you to collect.\n\nGive me the items you collected on the way.\n\nDon't worry about the others, I've already told them to go find a place to hide. |
Sys423592_szquest_desc | Conseguid 5 [<S>208683|Cuernos de Boshi] y 3 [<S>208684|Pieles de Boshi] y reuníos con [115060|Morrok Wallinder] en el [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Circo Luz de Luna]. | Collect 5 [<S>208683|Boshi Horns] and 3 [<S>208684|Boshi Fur], then go to [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Moonlight Circus] and meet up with [115060|Morrok Wallinder]. |
Sys423592_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Ya estoy listo, solo estoy esperando los artículos que os pedí. | I'm already ready, just waiting for the items I asked you to collect. |