result count: 5

Sys423597_nameResearch Specimens for Kargath
Sys423597_szquest_accept_detailDo you see those specimens preserved in bottles?\n\nGo get me some. I want to see what kind of experiment they're doing here.\n\nYou can find specimens all over the laboratory or from the researchers. Wherever you get the specimens is fine with me.\n\nGet me 5 [<S>208277|Specimens].
Sys423597_szquest_complete_detailLook at these [<S>208277|Specimens]. I don't know where they got such strange broken limbs.\n\nThe things they transformed have no beauty. They're all terrible. Maybe they should think about hiring an artist to teach them aesthetics.
Sys423597_szquest_descHelp [115751|Kargath Duran] by getting 5 [<S>208277|Specimens] from the [ZONE_RECONSTRUCTION_SHOP|Forbidden Experimental Area].
Sys423597_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt shouldn't be hard to get five specimens, should it?\n\nI admit that taking things from those nasty, smelly researchers is disgusting, but I just need 5 [<S>208277|Specimens]. Hold you nose and get it over with.