result count: 4

Sys423602_nameListen to the Smallest Sound
Sys423602_szquest_accept_detailThe guiding star has faded away, and the dark demon light of [115392|Star of Emir] covers the whole sky...the darkest night has fallen...\n\nAh, the interesting thing is that even where the deception is the deepest, there are always a few who are aware, just like those villagers who still have their intellect. Their intuition is often misinterpreted as paranoia, but if these oft-ignored sounds were taken seriously, many great disasters could be avoided...\n\n[115391|Star of Karlan], my friend, listen to their concerns, and we can understand more...
Sys423602_szquest_complete_detailYou say...I'm different from the other villagers, but I'm not special. If you want to say I'm different, then it's just that they've changed while I'm still the same me who came to this village...\n\nYes, I was originally like most of the others, enjoying the unending food and free-flowing [208286|Divine Fruit Juice]. But as the days went on, Chris and I started to feel something wasn't right...the ones who drank the most juice gradually started to not recognize their own friends, and then their personalities changed.\n\nThen Michelle noticed that the patrols outside never changed shifts. Do they not sleep? They don't let travelers into the village, but they also don't let us leave. Are we being protected or are we prisoners?
Sys423602_szquest_descHave a deep conversation with [116529|Davie Weaver].