result count: 5

Sys423615_nameDivination Preparation
Sys423615_szquest_accept_detailWhen we face an enormous challenge...when we stand at the edge of a cliff with a strong wind blowing, it's time to ask the guidance of the stars of heaven.\n\n[115391|Star of Karlan], please assist me. Go find 10 [<S>208421|Smooth Cobblestones], the more round and smooth, the better. I'll use them as tools of divination.
Sys423615_szquest_descAssist [116883|Ike Mania] in finding 10 [<S>208421|Smooth Cobblestones].
Sys423615_szquest_uncomplete_detailI've already prepared the other divination tools. Please bring me 10 round stones, immediately.