result count: 29

SC_423624_0Strange noises come from nearby.
SC_423624_1Wait there, knight! We'll go in a little while! does it feel to walk right into a trap?
SC_423624_11I will present your partners to my mistress!
SC_423624_12Suffer a little more! Your pained expression is my eternal desire.
SC_423624_13[115748|Iswan]! Why haven't you been of service to our honorable human king?
SC_423624_14Lady [116268|Annelia] instructed me to take care of these distinguished guests!
SC_423624_15Stay away from them! Scoundrel!
SC_423624_16So, Little Sparrow still has something up his sleeve! The game wouldn't be fun otherwise!
SC_423624_17Too bad! It looks like this banquet must be interrupted!
SC_423624_18Go away, [115748|Iswan]!
SC_423624_19Little Sparrow, don't disappoint me.
SC_423624_2The others haven't arrived yet? You wait here for them, while I go find some fun.
SC_423624_20Ladies and gentlemen, Mistress has arranged a banquet. I will wait for your arrival at the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle].
SC_423624_21Damn! Fooled again.
SC_423624_23Wait! [116585|Ike]!
SC_423624_3Starlight fading is an ominous sign. Karlan, please wait here while I look for Toni!
SC_423624_4Wait here to meet up with them! The elements around here are a little unstable. I'll go take care of it.
SC_423624_5Knight, you've finally arrived.
SC_423624_6Wait, it's a little too peaceful here!
SC_423624_7Yes...this feeling...
SC_423624_8Danger! Look out!
SC_423624_9Little this journey interesting?
Sys423624_nameMoment of Destiny
Sys423624_szquest_accept_detailThe next meeting of [115391|Star of Karlan] and [115392|Star of Emir] must go ahead even if there are dark clouds on the horizon.\n\nWe must go to [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City] to seek the guidance of the stars and meet our fates, whether good or bad.\n\nThe deep dark night is changing before my eyes. Even if killing those sewer rats is useless, the evil of the lonely night is the true target.\n\nBut I digress! After collecting information, [116801|Morrok Wallinder] and [116800|Toni] have made the decision to go to [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City] together. You should get ready to set off!
Sys423624_szquest_complete_detailYou were badly belittled, but now isn't the time for anger or regret.
Sys423624_szquest_desc[116890|Ike Mania] near [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City] wants you to go into [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City] to meet up with them and adapt to the circumstances.