result count: 4

Sys423650_nameAnother Base
Sys423650_szquest_accept_detailMy valuable notes have been found and the threat of those [<S>104758|Barbaric Marauders] has been reduced too. Next, let's talk about the biggest obstacle we've met so far. \n\nRegarding the guard I previously mentioned to you, we've decided to hire adventurers to solve the problem it caused.\n\nRight now they are making preparations in another base, guided by [116592|Otto Sheeso]. He is one of the most experienced adventurers I've ever seen. Maybe you can go with him, and your chance for survival would be greatly improved.\n\nWalk along the edge of the mountain cliff and you will find him on the right.
Sys423650_szquest_complete_detailYou are finally here, adventurer! \n\nThe last group of mercenary troops were wiped out. \n\nNow, you are here to take over their position...
Sys423650_szquest_descTalk to [116592|Otto Sheeso], he is in the cave on the north side of the [ZONE_DGN_MENORCA_EMPIRE_RUINS|Ruins of the Magnork Kingdom].\n\nAttention! Only when the [ZONE_DGN_MENORCA_EMPIRE_RUINS|Ruins of the Magnork Kingdom] are sage again, will the civilians return to their posts. Then you can find him.