result count: 5

Sys423663_nameRey HipogrifoHippogriff King
Sys423663_szquest_accept_detail¡Estoy harto, harto! \n\nSi podéis matar ese animal del que no deja de hablar [116590|Matt], arrancarle una pluma y dármela, se la meteré en la boca y echaré de mi local a ese maldito aprovechado. \n\n\nEs solo un animal salvaje, no sé por qué no deja de presumir. \n\n(El dueño del bar parece no poder estar más furioso). \n\n¡Traedme la cabeza del animal y una pluma para metérsela en la boca!I'm fed up, really fed up!\n\nNow, if you can kill whatever animal it is [116590|Matt] keeps harping on about, pull out a feather and give it to me, I can put it in his mouth and get that lecherous freeloading creep out of my pub!\n\nBut it's just a wild animal, I don't understand why he loves bragging about it so much.\n\n(The bar owner's rage seems to have reached its peak.)\n\nBring me the head of that animal, and at the same time get me a feather so I can stuff it in his mouth!
Sys423663_szquest_complete_detailSí, a [116590|Matt] va a pasarle algo malo.Yeah, something bad's gonna happen to [116590|Matt].
Sys423663_szquest_descMatad al [103580|Wodjin Rey Hipogrifo] y arrancadle una [208447|Pluma del Rey Hipogrifo] para metérsela en la boca a [116590|Matt]. [SC_QUESTSTRING_01|(Es una misión de grupo, ¡buena suerte!)]Kill [103580|Hippogriff King Wodjin], and pull out a [208447|Hippogriff King's Feather] so I can stuff it in [116590|Matt's] mouth. [SC_QUESTSTRING_01|(This is a group quest, good luck!)]
Sys423663_szquest_uncomplete_detailCuanto antes me hagáis ese pequeño favor, antes podré echar a ese gorrón de mi bar.The sooner you do this small favor for me, the sooner I can kick that freeloader out of my pub!