result count: 4

Sys423664_nameUn comerciante natoA Natural Businessman
Sys423664_szquest_accept_detailNo es frecuente ver a una persona tan rápida y fuerte en este bar. Sois muy veloz, aventurero. \n\nPero sois demasiado rápido, tanto que no he tenido tiempo de preparar vuestra recompensa... \n\nA ver qué os parece esto: id al casco antiguo de Dalanis y buscad a mi viejo amigo [116807|Mika Shear]. Es muy rico. \n\nSí, se trata de eso. De hecho, una vez fue a un bar, se emborrachó y causó bastantes problemas. Si no quiere que haya rumores sobre él, no le importará pagar. Id al casco antiguo de Dalanis y buscadlo.It's not often you see someone as strong and fast as you in this pub. You're surprisingly quick, adventurer.\n\nBut you're too quick, so quick I didn't even have time to prepare your reward...\n\nHow about this? How about you go to the Old City in Dalanis and find my old friend [116807|Mika Shear], he's very rich.\n\nAhem... so that's about it. Actually he once went to a bar, got drunk and caused a fair bit of trouble. If he doesn't want lots of rumors circulating about him he'll pay up nice and quietly. Go to the Old City in Dalanis and find him.
Sys423664_szquest_complete_detail¡El Rey Hipogrifo! \n\nHabéis matado al Rey Hipogrifo... La leyenda dice que era una criatura muy poderosa, temida incluso por los centauros. \n\nSe dice que tenía mil años. Cuando el abuelo de mi abuelo era pequeño ya se contaban historias del Rey Hipogrifo. \n\n\nEl Rey Hipogrifo Wodjin podía invocar terribles tormentas y era capaz de debilitar a su rival. Todas las criaturas parecían impotentes ante él. \n\n¿Sabéis que habéis matado una criatura sagrada legendaria?The Hippogriff King!\n\nYou killed the Hippogriff King... Legend had it he was a truly mighty creature, feared even by the Centaurs.\n\nIt was said he was a thousand years old- when my grandfather's grandfather was a little kid there were already tales of the Hippogriff King.\n\nHippogriff King Wodjin could call forth terrible storms, and he had the ability to make you feeble and weak. All creatures seemed powerless before him.\n\nDo you know you've slaughtered a legendary sacred creature?
Sys423664_szquest_descId al barrio aristocrático de Dalanis y buscad a [116807|Mika Shear] para obtener vuestra recompensa.Go to the Dalanis Aristocratic Quarter and find [116807|Mika Shear] to get your reward.