result count: 8

SC_423669_0¿Conocéis a Hackman?Do you know Hackman?
SC_423669_1Lo conozco. ¿Por qué me preguntáis por ese cerdo desagradecido? \n\n(El anciano os mira fijamente y empieza su sermón). \n\nLos Ed eran una familia muy respetada de la ciudad y Hackman era su hijo más joven. Habían puesto muchas esperanzas en el chico y dedicaron todos sus esfuerzos a su educación.\n\nPero al final no estudiaba, empezó a andar con profanadores de tumbas e incluso atacó a familiares suyos. ¿Entendéis ahora por qué digo que es un cerdo desagradecido? \n\nSe me parte el corazón cuando pienso en su pobre familia, que lo vieron convertirse en eso. \nDe todas formas, ¿por qué lo sacáis a colación? ¡Largaos!I know him, what are you asking about that ungrateful swine for anyway?\n\n(The old man glares at you, and starts ranting.)\n\nThe Ed family used to be a well-respected family in the town. Hackman was their youngest son. The Ed family had very high hopes for the boy, and they focused all their efforts on bringing him up. \n\nBut in the end he didn't study hard, started hanging around with grave robbers, and even attacked members of his own family. So you can see why I call him an ungrateful swine, yes?\n\nIt breaks my heart to think of his poor family, who watched him grow up into that.\n\nAnyway, what did you bring him up for? Go away!
SC_423669_2Éramos buenos amigos, y él tenía tanto talento como decía la gente. En la escuela se le daba bien todo y ganaba todas las competiciones. \n\nPero... \n(Mira durante un largo rato al Viejo Acklorn).\nLos ancianos del pueblo y su familia le impusieron un duro programa educativo y no volvió a tener tiempo libre. Se pasaba los días y las noches estudiando. \n\nUn día, de repente, se quedó ciego del ojo izquierdo. Nadie sabe por qué sucedió y la familia Ed evitaba hablar del tema. He oído que estaba discutiendo con sus familiares y alguien lo cegó accidentalmente, pero eso es solo un rumor. \n\nSin embargo, no pasó mucho tiempo hasta que echaron a Hackman de la casa. Lo sentí mucho por él.I used to be a good friend of his, and he was just as talented as people said he was. He was brilliant at everything in school, and he always came first in every competition.\n\nBut...\n(He looks towards Old Acklorn for a long time.)\nThe towns elders and their family placed him on an intensive education program, and after that he never had any free time whatsoever. He had to spend every day and every night studying. \n\nOne day, something unexpected occurred and he went blind in his left eye. Nobody knows why, and the Ed family refused to mention it. I heard it was because he was arguing with his family and someone accidentally blinded him. But that's just a rumor.\n\nHowever, it was not long after that Hackman was also kicked out of the house. I really felt sorry for him.
Sys423669_nameUna verdad violentaViolent Truth
Sys423669_szquest_accept_detail¿Hackman? \n\n(Toma la pulsera y la examina de cerca). \n\nMe suena... \n\n(Se queda en silencio). \n\nEl dueño de esta pulsera era alguien notable. Desde su juventud era alguien excepcional y su familia se volcó en él. \n\nSe llamaba Hackman Ed. \n\nPero... no sé cómo explicarlo. Preguntad a la gente del pueblo. Todo el mundo sabe algo sobre Hackman y los Ed.Hackman?!\n\n(He takes the bracelet and examines it closely.)\n\nThis looks familiar...\n\n(He falls silent.)\n\nThe owner of this bracelet was someone remarkable. Ever since he was young he was exceptional, and his family concentrated all of their efforts on him.\n\nHis name was Hackman Ed.\n\nBut... I don't know how to describe it. Perhaps you should ask the other people in this town, everyone knows a little something about Hackman and the Ed family.
Sys423669_szquest_complete_detailPoco después, la gente empezó a irse del pueblo. No era solo que quisieran mudarse, sino que el asunto de Hackman también era un motivo importante para irse. Algunos de los que se quedaron tenían prejuicios hacia él.Afterwards, people began leaving the town in droves. It wasn't just because people were simply moving on, the Hackman affair was a major reason too. Some of those who were left were deeply prejudiced against him.
Sys423669_szquest_descHablad con los habitantes del pueblo.Talk to the town residents.
Sys423669_szquest_uncomplete_detailAquí todo el mundo tiene su propia opinión sobre Hackman, así que no puedo contaros nada útil.Everyone in the town has different opinions on the Hackman affair, so I can't really tell you anything useful.