result count: 5

Sys423674_nameUna lecciónA Lesson
Sys423674_szquest_accept_detailNuestra principal misión es evitar que los [<S>116402|Yasheedees] ataquen la aldea, pero los [<S>104262|Caminantes Rh'anka] son muy astutos. A menudo merodean cerca de la aldea. A la mínima oportunidad, aprovechan para hostigar la [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Aldea Fontana]. Por eso, no podemos irnos ni dejar de vigilarlos.\n\nTengo que pediros que enseñéis a esos [<S>104262|Caminantes Rh'anka] una buena lección, para que no sean suficientes como para molestarnos.Our main job is to prevent the [<S>116402|Yasheedees] from attacking the village, but [<S>104262|Rh'anka Wanderers] are quite cunning. They often wander around the village. They harass [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Earthsprings Village] as soon as they find an opportunity. So, we can't leave and we can't stop watching them.\n\nSo I have to trouble you to go teach those [<S>104262|Rh'anka Wanderers] a lesson so there won't be enough of them to harass us.
Sys423674_szquest_complete_detailOs agradezco enormemente vuestra ayuda. Parece que ya no habrá suficientes [<S>104262|Caminantes Rh'anka] para atacarnos, pero es mejor no bajar la guardia.\n\nSiempre es mejor evitar que vengan que curar a los heridos después de su ataque. Enseñadles otra lección y recibiréis la compensación que merecéis.Thank you so much for your help. It doesn't look like there will be enough [<S>104262|Rh'anka Wanderers] to attack us, but we'd still better not let our guard down.\n\nIt's better to prevent them from coming than it is to heal the wounded after they've already attacked. Go teach them another lesson and you'll receive the compensation you deserve.
Sys423674_szquest_descDerrotad a 10 [<S>104262|Caminantes Rh'anka] e informad a [116608|Slyker Pelolargo] de la [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Aldea Fontana].Defeat 10 [<S>104262|Rh'anka Wanderers] then report back to [116608|Slyker Longfur] of [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Earthsprings Village].
Sys423674_szquest_uncomplete_detailNo quiero ser siempre un mercenario, pero la pasión de estos aldeanos me empuja a quedarme aquí para siempre.I don't want to be a mercenary forever, but the passion of these villagers makes me want to stay here my whole life.