result count: 6

SC_423698_1Sounds like there's something moving inside...
Sys423698_szquest_accept_detailThat's curious. After [ZONE_MIGHT_CITY|Shattered Hand] was destroyed, why wouldn't the [<S>104293|Heaven's Wrath Warriors] fight [<S>104289|Langlokee Gardeners] and the [<S>104290|Langlokee Guardians]? Logically speaking, [<S>104293|Heaven's Wrath Warriors] should be making a point to destroy high-level rune technology products...\nUnfortunately, due to the Hand of Truth being obstructed, I can't go investigate myself. I can only ask you to survey [ZONE_MIGHT_CITY|Shattered Hand] to find out the reason that there's no problem between them.
Sys423698_szquest_complete_detailYou say there's probably something under [ZONE_MIGHT_CITY|Shattered Hand]? Looks like we'll have to find a way to sneak in.
Sys423698_szquest_descCarefully survey [ZONE_MIGHT_CITY|Shattered Hand] to see if you can find anything.
Sys423698_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy could this be? It really makes me wonder... Too bad I can't go check myself.