result count: 9

SC_423701_01Come and look, there are lots of stone tablets over there.
SC_423701_02It's so weird... the stone tablets here are completely different to those outside in the ruins. And there are so many of them.
SC_423701_03No! Ayven!
SC_423701_04Damn! He's been poisoned, we'll have to retreat for now!
Sys423701_nameProceed to the Black Swamp Ruins
Sys423701_szquest_accept_detailAh, I've heard your name. You're [$playername], that adventurer who has been very active recently.\n\nWe at Ailic's Community have set up a camp not far from here and have been collecting useful data in order to understand [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH_TEMPLE|Black Swamp Temple's] past.\n\nRecently we brought back some stone tablets from near the [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH_REMAINS|Black Swamp Ruins]. On these tablets are engraved details relating to the ruler of the [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH_REMAINS|Black Swamp Ruins], the Spider Queen Lyoth.\n\nThe problem is that, when we try to enter [ZONE_SHADOW_MOON_FOREST|Moon Shadow Forest] to collect even more stone tablets, we are attacked by crocodiles, and many of our researchers have been hurt during our past few expeditions. Now our numbers are very much depleted, but the three of us left are unwilling to delay the investigation like this. \n\n[$playername], I would like to invite you to accompany us to the [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH_REMAINS|Black Swamp Ruins], and look for more research data.
Sys423701_szquest_complete_detailIt looks like...we weren't careful enough...
Sys423701_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH_REMAINS|Black Swamp Ruins] with the members of Ailic's Community.
Sys423701_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe must find more data, so we need to get closer to the [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH_REMAINS|Black Swamp Ruins].