result count: 5

Sys423709_nameA Strange Flock
Sys423709_szquest_accept_detailHey! Don't blame me for not waking you up! Without the mayor's permission, outsiders don't come anywhere near this tree!\n\nHowever, you look like an adventurer who can take care of themselves. If you're looking for work, there's something here you can help with.\n\nI guard this here place, and trust me no one can get past, but animals are different. Over the past few years birds have been flying over from the west. I don't know what's happened over there, but they are starving, and as soon as they see the Divine Fruit they make a beeline for it!\n\nIf I let the birds eat all the fruit then I'm done for! I used to run around scaring them all off, but just before the fruit ripens I just can't summon the energy to do it. \n\nThis is not on! I'm screwed if I can't keep these birds away! If you really want to help me, you could start by getting rid of some of these birds.
Sys423709_szquest_complete_detailNot bad! I was just watching from over there, and you really are an experienced adventurer. If you want, there is one other thing you could help me with. Relax, how could I make you work for nothing?
Sys423709_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>104756|Migrating Birds] near the Divine Tree, then report back to [116993|Decker Fejia].
Sys423709_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou'll see many starving birds around here. Get rid of them for me, and then they'll stop annoying the Divine Tree!