result count: 5

Sys423726_nameIn Order to Be Chosen
Sys423726_szquest_accept_detailPuff... I envy you adventurer! You're so strong, ignore me being all out of breath now, I used to be full of energy too!\n\nI don't know what happened! For the past few years I felt extremely tired. I thought I'd caught some strange disease, but the doctor said I was fine, so I didn't know what to do.\n\nAt least there's Divine Fruit to eat! I know this red fruit doesn't look particularly appetizing, but it's magical I tell you! When I eat it I'm brimming with energy, just like when I was young! \n\nBut Divine Fruit is restricted in the [ZONE_CAMPBELL_RASSLANDS|Kampel Plains]. If only I could get chosen to go to [ZONE_GRYN_TOWNSHIP|Glinville] I could have all the Divine Fruit I could eat! If I can't even deal with a few rotten corpses, then how will I ever get chosen?\n\nAdventurer, could you help me get rid of a few [<S>104861|Wandering Carrions]? My health isn't too great at the moment, even though I appear to be fine.
Sys423726_szquest_complete_detailI can't thank you enough! If you keep this up, it won't be long before I'm chosen for [ZONE_GRYN_TOWNSHIP|Glinville]!
Sys423726_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>104861|Wandering Carrions] then report back to [116990|Jimmy Parker].
Sys423726_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf I can't even deal with a few rotten corpses, then how will I ever get chosen for [ZONE_GRYN_TOWNSHIP|Glinville]?