result count: 7

SC_423727_01(Ask what has been causing the weakness).
SC_423727_02For the past few years I've sometimes felt extremely tired. At first I thought I was ill, but the doctor said there is nothing wrong with me. \n\nMaybe it's just age catching up with me... \n\nLuckily there is the Divine Fruit. I just have to eat that and I am brimming with energy!
Sys423727_nameThe Mind is Willing but the Flesh is Weak
Sys423727_szquest_accept_detailPuff...puff.... If you have time, can you help me put down a few more [<S>104861|Wandering Carrions]?
Sys423727_szquest_complete_detailI can't thank you enough! If you keep this up, it won't be long before I'm chosen for [ZONE_GRYN_TOWNSHIP|Glinville]!
Sys423727_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>104861|Wandering Carrions] then let [116990|Jimmy Parker] know.
Sys423727_szquest_uncomplete_detailAll my hopes of getting sent to [ZONE_GRYN_TOWNSHIP|Glinville] depend on you! \n\nPlease help me deal with those rotten corpses.