result count: 11

SC_423736_01(Get his attention.)
SC_423736_02Hey! What are you... Ah, it's you!\r\n\r\nListen, I really thank you for your help, but could you not interrupt my research?
SC_423736_03(Ask him about his research.)
SC_423736_04I am... Ugh. Actually I don't really want to give you a detailed explanation because I think it would take all day.\r\n\r\nIn short, I am analyzing why it is these guys are able to rise again after death! Sounds pretty impressive, doesn't it?
SC_423736_05(Ask if he has made any progress.)
SC_423736_06I suspect that you might not really be able to understand...\r\n\r\nIn short, I discovered some runic power on their bodies. There is nothing special about that. What *is* special is that this power does not affect them after death. Rather it is in their blood before death.\r\n\r\nSo one of the reasons they are turning into walking carcasses is because they are being manipulated while alive! Get it?
Sys423736_nameCapture One "Alive"
Sys423736_szquest_accept_detailHey! Do you want to help me bring back another "sample"? You do? Then I am very happy to see you again!\n\nThe [208558|Dart Launcher] is right here. I wish you good luck! See ya!\n\n(He immediately turns back to the carrion. Maybe he is pretty happy to see it "again".)
Sys423736_szquest_complete_detailHmm... Joint damage... Huh? Is it you? This "sample" is great! I really must thank you!\r\n\r\n(He turns right back to the corpse without saying more...)
Sys423736_szquest_descHelp [116978|Karl Demore]. Go outside to [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] and use the [208558|Dart Launcher] on a [104861|Wandering Carrion]. Hang in there until the carrion has been transported.
Sys423736_szquest_uncomplete_detail(He is talking to the carcass! Even though it's clear that it doesn't understand what he's saying...)