result count: 8

SC_423741_0This is where the transformed creatures are kept...
SC_423741_1Did you look carefully at the... "things" inside?
SC_423741_2It's clear that you can't tell from these deformed body parts what their owners looked like!
Sys423741_nameThe Shame of Meeting Others
Sys423741_szquest_accept_detailThe reason why I couldn't remember anything about those performers was because I was too scared... I didn't want to recall those frightening memories, so I chose to forget them.\r\n\r\nBut I still remembered in the end. It's funny. The reason I can't move is because when I died I was strapped down by a leather belt, I bet.\r\n\r\nThere is no more hope for me, so I have no fear. Once dead what is there to be scared of, right? It's just that... Based on what you've just described, my corpse could be used as material for a reconstruction. That makes me a little uncomfortable. I don't want to turn into some scary monster and be seen by my wife.\r\n\r\nCould you help me find out what monster my body has been attached to?
Sys423741_szquest_complete_detailYou, you can't tell? That's probably right. How are you supposed to distinguish which part is from whose corpse?
Sys423741_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_RECONSTRUCTION_SHOP|Forbidden Experimental Area] under the circus and look for similarities between the [117103|Mumbling Ghost] and the bodies of the transformed monsters.
Sys423741_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou say my corpse has been taken for use as reconstruction material. That makes me a little uncomfortable. I don't want to turn into some scary monster and then be seen by my wife.