result count: 5

Sys423742_nameRest in Peace
Sys423742_szquest_accept_detailThe reason my spirit lingers is not because I was murdered, but because there is someone in the world I can't leave behind. I don't know how my beloved wife is getting along...\n\nI have a necklace always in my possession that was given to me by my beloved wife. On its surface is carved her beautiful name, Pollyanna Dante. It was her gift when we first started dating. After I died, it was probably removed from my body, right?\n\nCould you help me retrieve the necklace my wife gave me from the [ZONE_RECONSTRUCTION_SHOP|Forbidden Experimental Area]?
Sys423742_szquest_complete_detailThis... This is... This was originally the matching piece carved with my name on the surface... It without a doubt came off her body. It looks like she met her fate here just like me. I hope she didn't suffered as much as I did before her death...\r\n\r\nThank you, adventurer. Since I know her whereabouts, I can now leave this place in peace...
Sys423742_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_RECONSTRUCTION_SHOP|Forbidden Experimental Area] and look for a necklace carved with the words "Pollyanna Dante." Come back and show the [117103|Mumbling Ghost].
Sys423742_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy beloved wife Pollyanna Dante, it is because of her that I still linger in this world...