result count: 5

Sys423744_nameWeaken the Pioneers
Sys423744_szquest_accept_detailOh...friend, I might need your help with something. I'm worried about how to solve these problems.\n\nI observed for a while, and not long ago I saw them begin to form a group of pioneers and construct a few catapults. They're either preparing to attack our temporary base or take these armies to the city. Either way, it's not good.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], since you're here for support, I need your help with this. If you can take care of their pioneers, we won't have to worry about them launching an attack in the near future. The fact that you're standing here shows that you're capable, but to be safe I think you should form a small team to work with. At the same time, defeat the Angren Stormtroopers and Angren Warriors, as well as the Limon Rebels and Limon Servants!\n\nAs for your compensation, I'll put in a request with the captain.
Sys423744_szquest_complete_detailYou've worked hard, but their weapons aren't broken and their pioneers are still growing. I think I need to stay here and observe more.\n\nThis is your reward. I know you can demonstrate your abilities elsewhere on the battlefield, adventurer.
Sys423744_szquest_descDefeat the sub-human army gathered in the area.
Sys423744_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you injured? Rest a while.