result count: 5

Sys423752_nameOn a Diet
Sys423752_szquest_accept_detailI can't stand the tone with which these researchers normally speak to others, ignoring everything besides their research. But not taking care of themselves, that's what makes me even angrier. \n\nMost of the researchers have been injured by monster attacks. Although their wounds have been treated, their weakened bodies have yet to be nursed completely back to health. Yet they insist on going out on research trips anyway. How can they be well when a little breeze makes them cough non-stop? I really don't understand what good it does to treat one's body this way.\n\nI know what kind of cooking will restore them to full health. They just need to drink some soup stewed from crocodile meat. I've heard them say that [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] has many [<S>104701|Black Swamp Crocodiles]. But since it is too dangerous, I can't go there myself. Also, these crocodiles don't even fear the carrions. Every [104861|Wandering Carrion] that mistakenly enters their territory gets eaten up in one bite.\n\nYou look like an experienced adventurer who wouldn't be eaten by those alligators, right? Would you please help me get some pieces of [208576|Delicious Crocodile Meat]?
Sys423752_szquest_complete_detailThis is great! All this crocodile meat looks like it will be good for making stew. Thanks so much!\r\n\r\nIf they like it, I will definitely let them know it was you who brought us the meat!\r\n\r\nI will go starting making the soup.
Sys423752_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] and collect 10 pieces of [208576|Delicious Crocodile Meat] off the bodies of [<S>104701|Black Swamp Crocodiles]. Then report back to [116834|Fanna Butanski] at the [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH_RESEARCH_CAMP|Black Swamp Lake Research Camp].
Sys423752_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hear that [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] has lots of crocodiles. Could you help me get some pieces of [208576|Delicious Crocodile Meat]?\n\nSeeing them not care about their own health, it's really...