result count: 5

Sys423754_nameRight-hand Man
Sys423754_szquest_accept_detailBecause of all the lack of motivation, we've had to delay until the leather production stage.\n\nSince I am currently making the initial preparations, why don't you help me bring back some [<S>208550|Fox Furs]?
Sys423754_szquest_complete_detailThe items the circus needs will now be completed on schedule.\r\n\r\nNo time for more talk, I am off to work!
Sys423754_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_CAMPBELL_RASSLANDS|Kampel Plains] and hunt [<S>104710|Malevolence Foxes]. Bring 10 [<S>208550|Fox Furs] back to [117055|Andre DeGrande] in [ZONE_CAMPBELL_RASSLANDS|Kampel Plains].
Sys423754_szquest_uncomplete_detailUs old guys can't keep pace with the production speed of the young ones...\r\n\r\nBut if I don't continue with this profession, how am I supposed to make a living?