result count: 10

SC_423759_1How interesting! Just who is it that is putting out this runic effect in [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard]? Is he also doing experiments?
SC_423759_2Whoever this caster is that can influence such a precise limit inside a specific range, his power is profound...
SC_423759_3All we can do now is wait for the data from the graveyard to come back!
SC_423759_4There is a reaction only inside the cemetery. Does this represent some kind of target? Is it being directed towards the [ZONE_CAMPBELL_TOWNSHIP|Kampel Town] villager corpses?
SC_423759_5You succeeded in collecting the data!
Sys423759_nameSpirit of Experimentation
Sys423759_szquest_accept_detailThis is just too interesting! Hey! Wonderful, you are here too!\n\nI discovered a very interesting phenomenon on the bodies of these carcasses. I can basically guess why they have risen from the grave! There are two kinds of runic reactions on their bodies. One accumulated on them before their death. The other was influenced only after death!\n\nCome, take this device to the heart of [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] and use it there. Wait until the device finishes collecting all the data, then return and give it to me. I currently need to gather more information for researching just what runic reaction causes the carcasses to awaken!
Sys423759_szquest_complete_detailQuick! Give it to me!\r\n\r\nVery good! It is just as I thought, the data from the center of the cemetery and that collected off of the carcasses is exactly alike, and its signal is even stronger! It looks like someone is manipulating that area!
Sys423759_szquest_desc[116978|Karl Demore] wants you to go to the heart of [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] and use the [208431|Graveyard Data Collector]. After the data collection is complete, return to him with the [208432|Graveyard Data Collector].
Sys423759_szquest_uncomplete_detailI currently need to gather more information for researching just what runic reaction causes the carcasses to awaken!\r\n\r\nAren't you an adventurer? For world peace, you should be bravely set forth, no? Am I right or not?