result count: 5

Sys423760_nameConfirming a Theory
Sys423760_szquest_accept_detailAh! Seeing you I just remembered! I need to confirm one of my theories, which is that the abnormalities in [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] are regional. I believe the closer one gets to the center of the cemetery, the stronger the runic reaction becomes.\n\nI need a data reading from the center of [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] to compare with that of the cemetery. Come, take this device. Like before, wait until it collects all the data, and then return it to me. I can hardly wait for the results!
Sys423760_szquest_complete_detailOh! The readings indicate a runic strength about the same level as here, basically zero!
Sys423760_szquest_desc[116978|Karl Demore] wants you to go to the center of [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] and use the [208472|Black Swamp Data Collector]. After the data collection is complete, return to him with the [208491|Black Swamp Data Collector].
Sys423760_szquest_uncomplete_detailBring the device back to me as soon as the data collection in the center of [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] is complete. I can hardly wait for the results!