result count: 5

Sys423761_namePasado trágicoTragic Past
Sys423761_szquest_accept_detailPor lo que sé, el [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Cementerio del Lago] se construyó en memoria de [116808|Crull Grafu], que perdió la vida durante la devastadora peste. Por supuesto, también incluye a la patrulla de investigación que fue con él y a los habitantes que perecieron.\n\nPero, ¿por qué razón se habrá molestado y despertado el fantasma del joven Lord [116808|Crull Grafu]?\n\nQuizá podamos entender lo que está ocurriendo en el [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Cementerio del Lago] si sabemos la razón por la que se ha despertado el joven rey.As far as I know, [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] was originally built for the purpose of memorializing [116808|Crull Grafu], who lost his life during the devastating plague. It of course also includes the research patrol who went with him and the townspeople who perished.\n\nBut why, exactly, has the ghost of young Lord [116808|Crull Grafu] been disturbed and awakened?\n\nPerhaps we can understand what is happening in [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] if we know the reason for the young king's awakening.
Sys423761_szquest_complete_detailDurante la peste, el joven príncipe tomó algunas difíciles decisiones que no gustaron mucho a la gente de fuera. Se vio obligado a matar con sus propias manos a ciudadanos e incluso amigos que habían sido víctimas de la peste. En esa situación, ni siquiera yo habría sido capaz de sacrificar a mis habitantes, así que un heredero al trono responsable de tantas vidas...\n\nY aunque entiendo su historia, no consigo entender por qué los difuntos del [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Cementerio del Lago] iban a levantarse de sus tumbas y atacar a los vivos...During the plague, the young prince made a few decisions that were hard for those on the outside to accept. At that moment in time, he had to kill with his own hands citizens and even friends who had fallen unconscious due to the plague. Given the situation, even I wouldn't be able to sacrifice my fellow townsmen, let alone an heir to the throne who had to bear the responsibly of so many lives... \n\nBut even if I understand their background history, I still can't get why the departed in [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] would turn into carcasses and even attack living things...
Sys423761_szquest_desc[117188|Sean Card] quiere que vayáis al [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Cementerio del Lago] y descubráis la razón de la existencia del fantasma de [116808|Crull Grafu]. \n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_02|(Grupo recomendado: 4 ó más)][117188|Sean Card] wants you to go to [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] and figure out the reason for the existence of [116808|Crull Graf's] ghost.\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_02|(Recommended group size: 4 and more)]
Sys423761_szquest_uncomplete_detailEl [ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Cementerio del Lago] no está tan tranquilo como antes. Habéis de tener cuidado.[ZONE_LAKESIDE_CEMETERY|Lakeside Graveyard] doesn't look as peaceful as before. You need to be careful.