result count: 5

Sys423778_nameAventurero envenenadoPoisoned Adventurer
Sys423778_szquest_accept_detailAlgunos aventureros son fuertes, y otros son débiles. Lo malo es que a simple vista no se puede saber quién es el mejor.\n\n¿Veis a ese aventurero en el suelo?\n\nSolo le pedimos que se adentrase y recogiese una concha de [105173|Escorpión carmesí escarbador]. No pensábamos que además de no traerla, el escorpión lo envenenaría. Afortunadamente, pudo escapar y se desmayó aquí y no en el Ruedo del Desenfreno. De lo contrario, ya estaría muerto.\n\nAventurero, ambos sois miembros de Sombrargentada. Ayudadle.\n\nHay una planta, la [117278|Hierba de llama roja] que crece en el [ZONE_RAVENOUS_RING|Ruedo del Desenfreno]. Sus hojas son un antídoto muy eficaz contra el veneno de escorpión. Por favor, recoged 5 y traédnoslas. Solo así se podrá elaborar un antídoto.The adventurer's strength is really uneven. The trouble is, it's impossible to tell which one is better just by looking at him. \n\nCan you see this adventurer on the floor? \n\nAll we asked was for him to go inside and obtain the shell of a [105173|Crimson Burrow Scorpion]. We didn't think that not only would he not get one, but he would become poisoned by the scorpion as well. Fortunately he was able to escape and pass out here instead of in Ring of the Ravenous. If that had happened, he would already be dead. \n\nAdventurer, you are both members of Silvershadow. Help him. \n\nThere is a plant called [117278|Red Flame Grass] that grows in the [ZONE_RAVENOUS_RING|Ring of the Ravenous]. Its leaves are an effective antidote against scorpion poison. Please go and pick 5 leaves and bring them back. That is the only way to make the antidote.
Sys423778_szquest_complete_detail¡Muy bien! ¡Por fin podrá salvarse!Great, he can finally be saved.
Sys423778_szquest_descRecoged 5 [<S>208922|Briznas de hierba de llama roja] del [ZONE_RAVENOUS_RING|Ruedo del Desenfreno] y llevádselas a [117276|Katalina].Pick 5 [<S>208922|Blades of Red Flame Grass] from the [ZONE_RAVENOUS_RING|Ring of the Ravenous] and bring them back to [117276|Katalina].
Sys423778_szquest_uncomplete_detailLos ingredientes para el antídoto suelen crecer cerca de donde viven los seres venenosos. ¿No os parece una relación interesante?Antidote ingredients usually grow near the places where the poisonous creatures live. Don't you think this relationship is interesting?