result count: 6

SC_423783_0Put on the equipment you selected.
SC_423783_1Pick up your weapon.
Sys423783_nameEquip Yourself
Sys423783_szquest_accept_detailAn adventurer spends his life fighting to overcome difficulties. We venture into uninhabited regions, hack our way through difficulties and battle to the death with ferocious beasts. Traveling barehanded may look valiant, but if you have a good weapon you can slaughter enemies more effectively. If you have good armor, you have a better chance of making it out alive. \n\nBehind me there are several pieces of armor. They are samples of what we offer. You can first go have a look then choose some that suit you. Come back and find me after you have made your decision.
Sys423783_szquest_complete_detailHave you picked a weapon and put on your new equipment? Only one who is fully equipped looks like a true adventurer.
Sys423783_szquest_descOpen your backpack and check the weapons and equipment you obtained.