result count: 9

SC_423785_0Are you ready to go now?
SC_423785_1Yes, I'm ready.
SC_423785_2Your companions have lost you and you have failed the quest. Please try the quest again!
SC_423785_3You're losing your companions. Please slow down.
Sys423785_nameTemporarily Lead a Team
Sys423785_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], you are one of the adventurers with the most potential I've seen. You will definitely go on to do great things. \n\nSkilled individuals must often undertake more responsibilities than others. Are you willing to become a temporary team leader and lead other adventurers to [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp]?
Sys423785_szquest_complete_detailI'm very happy to see a new face. This is [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp]. Pirates are constantly harassing the shores. We desperately need new blood like you to join in the effort to fight off the pirates.
Sys423785_szquest_descBecome a temporary team leader and lead four other adventurers to [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp] and report for duty there.
Sys423785_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you here to report for duty? Are you by yourself?