result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys423798_name | Regalo de lobo | A Wolf's Gift |
Sys423798_szquest_accept_detail | Este lobo trajo un trozo de carne de gacela hasta aquí. Yo creo que esa carne es un regalo para demostrar que está muy agradecido.\n\nLlevadle esta carne a ese Elfo tan simpático. Él también se preocupa por el lobezno, así que deberíamos compartir este regalo con él. Además, informadle de nuestros últimos resultados. Podéis ocuparos de todo esto. | This wolf was carrying a chunk of Gazelle Meat when it came here. My guess is that the meat is a gift from the wolf to show its gratitude to us. \n\nPlease take this meat to that friendly Elf. He cares about the wolf cub as well. Of course he should receive a portion of the gift. Also, you should tell him the finally result of what we've done. You can take care of both of these things. |
Sys423798_szquest_complete_detail | Bueno, ya terminó todo. Aunque no podemos asegurarnos de que no volverá a pasar algo parecido, espero que hayan aprendido la lección.\n\nAcepto el regalo, gracias amigo. Que la gracia del Santo Rey os bendiga. | So that's what happened. Although we can't be sure that similar things won't keep happening in the future, I hope that those people learned their lesson from this. \n\nI will accept the gift. Thank you friend. May the Holy King bless you. |
Sys423798_szquest_desc | Recoged el [209156|Regalo del lobo] y entregádselo a [117398|Sheorwest]. Resumidle lo que ha pasado. | Take the [209156|Wolf's Return Gift] and give it to [117398|Sheorwest], then tell him how things turned out. |
Sys423798_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Amigo mío, ¿cómo siguen las cosas con esos cazadores? | Friend, what is the situation with those poachers? |