result count: 15

SC_423811_01What happened over a thousand years ago?
SC_423811_02A thousand years ago, was the time when the Demons and sub-humans ran amok. Humans and other weaker races endured much suffering. My people thus chose to seek refuge in the forest. It stayed that way until the year that the Holy King Antaikolon led an elite group to form an alliance with the human king, Kalume. \n\nI received orders along with other warriors in the tribe to go to the north of the Candara mainland to help. We never thought that we would have to engage in combat with the demon the humans call Icefrost Death. Our forces were weak at the time, but we still fought all we could to resist. We caused some damage to the enemy, but we were up against hopeless odds...\n\n(A look of grief and anger appears in her eyes.) \n\nYou know the end of the story. I was captured by the Demons and frozen in the Ice Castle. I became a collector's item. That is how I spent a thousand years.
SC_423811_03About the Castle
SC_423811_04I had heard the name of that castle before I was frozen there, The Icefrost City. Icefrost Death used it to store frozen bodies. When I escaped, there were still many ancient sub-humans and animals sleeping in the depths of the castle. \n\nMany people stayed in the castle, biding their time, after waking up. They planned to act after regaining their strength. The situation changed, however. \n\nA powerful Demon Beast seized the Icefrost City. The beast was a giant three-headed snake. After it woke up from being frozen it went on a rampage and swallowed up the weak sub-humans and animals. \n\nOther beings, including me, saw that something was wrong and decided to leave the castle.
SC_423811_05The Movements of the Remaining sub-humans.
SC_423811_06The sub-humans who escaped divided into two factions: One faction raided the human camp outside the castle. They even attacked other sub-humans. Thus the sub-humans that were bullied or had hopes for peace formed their own faction. They chose to hide in a secret area nearby so they wouldn't become targets of the other faction. \n\nWhen I escaped from the castle, I unfortunately was attacked and wounded. The sub-humans who took me in were part of the latter faction.
SC_423811_07Why was I frozen?
SC_423811_08I don't know either... I think only Icefrost Death knows the real reason... \n\n(She clenches her fist)\n\nThose detestable demons... They killed off all my friends... I am the only one left...
SC_423811_09What is the name of the demon?
SC_423811_10Banegithia! \n\n(Her face becomes full of rage and grinds her teeth as she speaks out the name)\n\nI will never forget this name, or the look on his face as he was killing my people. \n\nImengala told me that he was killed a thousand years ago by a different demon - The Bloodlord, but I still hope I can have my revenge!
Sys423811_nameA Memory from a Thousand Years Ago
Sys423811_szquest_accept_detail(She has a worried look on her face as you tell her why you came, but she relaxes after she reads the letter you gave her.) \n\nSo you were sent by [117395|Imengala]... \n\n(She sighs softly)\n\nI was frozen for a thousand years, yet it passed in the blink of an eye... \n\nFriend, you have met with the teacher [117395|Imengala], but did you notice that she and I look similar? \n\nAfter I came to the [ZONE_WILDERNESS_POST|Desert Waystation] and spoke with her, I was startled to discover that she is the descendant of my sister who followed the Holy King [112852|Isnasil] and left the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] that year. If the Holy King knew about this he would be relieved by this amazing fate. \n\nA thousand years is not a long period of time for an Elf, but it is enough time to move mountains and fill seas. \n\nExplaining all of this will take a long time. If you want to stop, please let me know.
Sys423811_szquest_complete_detail(She takes a deep breath and concentrates to regain her composure)\n\nOk, we don't need to say too much about the past. I have something I need your help with.
Sys423811_szquest_descListen to [117391|Hanna Pint] describe her account of past events.
Sys423811_szquest_uncomplete_detailAlthough a thousand years have passed, the teachings of the Holy King of the Elves remain unchanged.