result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_423816_01 | Parece que hay algo bajo el árbol cercano... | There seems to be something under the nearby tree... |
Sys423816_name | Encontrar a Airleir | Find Airleir |
Sys423816_szquest_accept_detail | Alguien podría buscar pistas sobre este sub-humano.\n\nTal vez [117496|Airleir Talón de Hierro], que se encarga de patrullar el exterior, haya visto algo. Ya debe de haber vuelto.\n\nTodavía tengo que enterrarlo para que su espíritu descanse en paz. [$PLAYERNAME] ¿podríais hacerme el favor de encontrar a [117496|Airleir Talón de Hierro]? | I think someone could find out a few clues regarding this sub-human.\n\nPerhaps [117496|Airleir Ironfoot], in charge of patrolling outside, might have seen something. But he should have come back by now.\n\nI still need to bury him so that his soul can rest in peace. Therefore, could I ask you, [$PLAYERNAME] to go look for the whereabouts of [117496|Airleir Ironfoot]? |
Sys423816_szquest_complete_detail | (Informáis a [117279|Akuya Estrellapálida] del cadáver que habéis encontrado. Se entristece y cierra los ojos.)\n\nHemos perdido a otro compañero de armas. Airleir, que tu espíritu esté con las estrellas. | (You inform [117279|Akuya Whitestar] about your discovery of the corpse. She frowns and closes her eyes.)\n\nWe've lost another comrade-in-arms. Airleir, may your spirit be with the stars. |
Sys423816_szquest_desc | Buscad al soldado que está tardando en volver a casa por la carretera de la [ZONE_QUO'AT_ICE_PLAINS_EAST_RESPONT|Meseta de Quodate]. | Search for the patrolman who is late returning home along the road to [ZONE_QUO'AT_ICE_PLAINS_EAST_RESPONT|Quodate Plains]. |