result count: 5

Sys423820_nameDefend the Base
Sys423820_szquest_accept_detailNow we need to quickly turn these materials into usable traps and install them in set locations to avoid being caught unprepared.\r\n\r\n[$PLAYERNAME], could I ask you to do this for me? I've already had someone mark the locations for placement. All you have to do is install the traps at these earthen mounds and we're good.\r\n\r\nAs for the traps, I'll give you ones that have already been made. You just need to set them up. But be very careful. These traps have special mechanisms. I suspect you wouldn't like it if chemicals meant to take care of sub-humans wound up on you instead, right?
Sys423820_szquest_complete_detailI knew I could trust you with this. Thanks for your help, [$PLAYERNAME].
Sys423820_szquest_descInstall 5 [<S>209050|Mechanical Traps] on the plains outside of [ZONE_TEMPORARY_FANGT_CAMP|Fanger's Makeshift Camp].
Sys423820_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou have to work faster. We might not have much time left.