result count: 5

Sys423826_nameHace falta una temperatura estableEven Heat Needed
Sys423826_szquest_accept_detailNo consigo producir medicinas al ritmo de los ataques diarios, y el horno no ha parado de funcionar. Pero lo que más me preocupa es que no tengo suficiente leña. Aunque no es difícil de solucionar, es un problema grave.\n\nNo necesito madera seca que arde a alta temperatura, sino [208985|Madera ligeramente húmeda], que aguanta mucho tiempo y mantiene una temperatura estable. ¿Podéis ayudarme a encontrar 10 troncos de [208985|Madera ligeramente húmeda]? Podréis encontrarlos cerca de la orilla del [ZONE_SAPT_RIVER|Río Zapa]. Os daré algo bueno a cambio.The supply of medicine can't keep up with the daily attacks. And my furnace hasn't stopped yet, but the fact that I also lack so much firewood is what's giving me a headache. Even though it's not a difficult problem, it's still quite important!\n\nI don't need dry wood that burns at a high temperature. Instead I need [208985|Slightly Damp Wood], which can burn for a long time while maintaining even heat. Could you help me get 10 logs of [208985|Slightly Damp Wood]? Some can be found near the bank of the [ZONE_SAPT_RIVER|Zapa River]. I will give you something good in exchange.
Sys423826_szquest_complete_detail¡Excelente! Vamos, ya he preparado algo para daros a cambio. Meted la leña en el horno.Excellent. Quick, I've already prepared the stuff to exchange with you. Throw the logs into the furnace.
Sys423826_szquest_desc[117383|Nake] necesita ayuda para encontrar 10 troncos de [208985|Madera ligeramente húmeda].[117383|Nake] needs you to help him get 10 logs of [208985|Slightly Damp Wood].
Sys423826_szquest_uncomplete_detailSi seguís el río, los encontraréis sin dificultad.If you follow the river you should be able to find it.