result count: 16

SC_423846_1Grasp firmly your weapon. It's too clean. It needs a good bath in blood. Can you go with us?
SC_423846_10You have already joined an escort team. You are unable to join a different team for a short time.
SC_423846_16You are too far away from the escort team. Go back!
SC_423846_17The delivery cart has already reached its destination. If you don't hurry to meet it, you will fail the quest.
SC_423846_2Things might get bad soon. Don't lose the team. Are you ready to go?
SC_423846_3Make sure to protect the deliverymen. If they all die, the supplies cart will be taken by those ugly, smelly bastards. Ok, are you ready to go?
SC_423846_4You look pretty tough. Very good. Are we ready to set off?
SC_423846_5Ok, let me know when you are ready.
SC_423846_6The delivery cart failed to reach its destination, or you were too far away from it. Quest Failed. Abandon it and try again.
SC_423846_7Supplies Delivered.
SC_423846_8Report to Supply Delivery Chief.
SC_423846_9Time limit to break out has expired. Quest Failed. Abandon it and try again.
Sys423846_szquest_accept_detailOk, you face an arduous challenge. I hope you are tough enough to take the hits of these mean, bull-like monsters. I hope you are agile and quick enough to dodge their sharp claws like a monkey. And I hope you will be lucky enough to avoid the bombardment of the their spells.\n\nNow, go forth, meet with the advanced team and join in the maneuver. When the time comes, work with the other adventures to divide up into different escort teams so that you can distract the monsters with a diversion.\n\nThere are 3 supply escort teams for different sections of the road. [117358|Gungen Emperus], [117354|Wenmimiti] and [117360|Mugwert Tallpeak] will be in charge of the teams. Choose to join one of them, escort and assist delivery. Thank you.
Sys423846_szquest_complete_detailYou did it! We did it!\r\n\r\nBut it is too early to toast in celebration. Although this is a small victory, why don't we keep up the momentum and achieve the second victory?
Sys423846_szquest_descJoin a supply escort team. There are 3 teams in total in charge of different sections of the road. [117358|Gungen Emperus], [117354|Wenmimiti] and [117360|Mugwert Tallpeak] are in charge of the teams. Choose to join one of them and break the enemy lines.\n\nBe careful not to go too far away from the team, and protect the team leader. If he dies, you fail the quest. \n\nReport back to [117341|Mingteh Fulix] then.